Thursday 10 October 2013

Is this the end of the village in the Pyrenees Saint- Béat

The problem started last winter with huge amounts of snow falling and then in the spring lots of rainfall,  as those massive amounts of snow melted the village was swamped. The village with its important camping parks, municipal and private were swept away. Now the "communes du canton" do not want to risk any more public money in getting this village up and running after two devastating floods in ten years... and the camping grounds will not reopen.
Ce qui a mis en colère les habitants de Saint-Béat est la phrase lâchée par le président de la communauté de communes du canton, Joël Gros qui a déclaré : «ne pas vouloir engager de fonds publics avec un risque, pour ne pas reprendre une seconde vague dans dix ans».