Monday, 14 October 2013

Election in the cantonales de Brignoles won by le FN

Laurent Lopez, le candidat du FN, the extreme right wing party of Marine Le Pen has easily  gained the seat at Brignoles in the Var.  The problems along the coastal towns of the south from Perpignan,  Bezier, Marseille and along to the Côte d' Azur have given Le Pen and her party a following.
An interesting article in the local Depeche discusses how candidates are being put up in areas with high immigrant populations . In the areas of Midi Pyrennees few candidates will be put up.
Laurent Lopez’s victory in Brignoles comes three days after a survey published in French weekly Le Nouvel Observateur described the FN as the country’s main political force. The poll said that the far-right party was tipped to secure 24 percent of the domestic vote in next May's elections for the European Parliament, ahead of both the ruling Socialist Party and the opposition UMP party.
 Val says - a bit  it scary that survey, hope it is not correct.