Saturday 12 October 2013

Chrysanthemums and Toussaints

Chrysanthemums and Toussaints
All  British people who live permanently in this lovely area of France will be aware that most florists, garden centres and supermarkets will shortly start stocking up on chrysanthemum flowers and potted plants for the end of the month. Most of us might assume that it is something to do with the celebration of all saints day on the 1st November, but this is not so, and I hope  that this short article might make things clearer.
Val says
Ross Jenkins has agreed to send a monthly article to fit into the label " Patrimoine"  which means heritage. We hope this label will include  heritage and local history of the area  and we look forward to all your contributions. If you do send photos with a post please make it a jpg.
Many thanks Ross, and to read his article look in Patrimoine. 
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