Friday 11 October 2013

A few new ideas for TAG

I like to keep you on your toes dear reader so have been thinking up new areas of interest for you.
Since I added the readers " Blogs" that has been getting a lot of hits ( Cooks label is still and always top) so I will make inside the label more attractive detailing how you can get your blog in there. Also I think it is time for Varenly Regatta pictures to go, till next year. I want a new label called Patrimoine or Local History and I am giving this some thought and you will hear about that soon.
If you have any ideas to keep making TAG interesting to you and other readers I would welcome  your input. Doreen Porter has suggested a " Book review page" and I am mulling this over. My concerns are that as it is difficult to get reader participation would anyone bother to write reviews?
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