Saturday, 25 May 2013

Just too many cats

Reading a story in the Depeche, there are two neighbours who live at Carcassonne in dispute as one neighbour has nine cats and also leaves out food for other cats in the area, although this is denied.
The dispute has gone to the Maire to be sorted.
This reminds me of a few years ago where we were thinking of buying a house in the country till we discovered a close neighbour had 50 cats. The house had been owned by an English couple who had been driven mad by mating cats and cats defecating in the grounds, everywhere! They eventually went back to England abandoning their " French dream" leaving the house empty.
 The couple had been to the Maire who thought there was nothing he could do as long as the cats were well cared for. The house did eventually get sold after a long period but we often wondered what happened with the new neighbours and ... the cats.
I better make it clear it is quite different with the cat charities and their carers, Chats du Quercy for example, where the cats are well housed and cared for.
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