Saturday 14 January 2012

Not only gardening but cooking as well.

I am informed by the animatrice of our gardening group of "Agir Ensemble.." that on Wednesday 18th of January at 2pm at The Salle des Fetes at Verfeil there is an 'Atelier Cuisine' where a ''recette de pate vegetal'' will be proposed by Florence.
Every one welcomed.
The gardening group meeting has been brought forward to 23rd of January at 2pm and directions to the garden to visit are below. If you are planning on coming let me know and I will pass on our numbers to Laurence.

Prochaine réunion de travail:

Lundi 23 janvier 2012
à 14h a Verfeil
chez Anaïs :

"Pour les gens qui arrivent de Saint Antonin, prendre direction Verfeil,
tourner direction Verfeil sur le plateau,
et apres quelques kms, on arrive au carrefour les Estaules/ Verfeil, continuer direction Verfeil sur 500 metres et tourner à gauche dans le chemin de la Vaysse, avec une ruche comme point de repère en haut du chemin. on est en bas!

Pour les gens qui arrivent de Verfeil, prendre direction Arnac et tourner à droite direction Carrendier sur la D114, monter 3kms
et tourner dans le chemin à droite à la ruche."

The website for the MSA which both the activities are organised by is below. It gives you an idea of the aims of the association which are to encourage local activities  in rural areas which will help to preserve our health and happiness.