Taglines would be happy to promote these groups in the way I am happy to promote Fifi.As there are lots of women on their own and others who delight in a bit of 'own time' there are also couples who enjoy spending time together.If any one would like to consider the above mentioned groups or indeed have ideas for other groups please contact:
Kathleen and Glen Bloomfield to formulate battle plans. email glenkath85@gmail.com
There are also some Fifi meetings which are all embracing such as the Quiz nights and some outings .Check out the Fifi website. http://www.fifi82.org/
Boules /petanque on Friday afternoons in Varen in the winter ,Verfeil in the summer. This is a mixed group of ladies and gents of all ages from 10 years old to 88 years old. [or is it 87 David?].Contact Malcolm on tel. 05 63 06 46 73 or mail@bromlea.com
Bridge at Caylus Thursday evening 5.30pm start. Please contact Vanessa Ainsworth either by phone on 0563 671419 or by email at johnandness@wanadoo.fr. Alternatively, if you can’t get hold of me, try Alan Fawcett on
0563 318713 or june.fawcett@orange.fr.
Various walking groups in the area. If you want your walking group promoting let Taglines know.
Please send information on any group to Taglines if you wish it to be promoted.
Please send information on any group to Taglines if you wish it to be promoted.