Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Signature trees under threat

Palm trees at Meze, January 2019. Picture:C Alazet.
The palm trees that grow along the Mediterranean coasts of France are the emblem of that area, but are under threat from a red weevil which destroys them from inside Originally from Asia the pest was first noticed in France in 2006 and there is no known treatment.
Having previously been attacked by a moth, which was treatable now they are under threat from the red weevil, which particularly attacks the Phoenix palms, the Washingtonia variety being less susceptible and may be treated by using nematode worms.
Some resorts have replaced their palms with olive and lime trees, preserving as far as possible the sound varieties. Cutting down and replanting is an expensive operation for many coastal authorites with mature Washingtonia palms costing up to 1000 euros per metre.
As one local maire says "Without palms trees it would not be the South of France".