A diffuser le plus largement possible…
N’oubliez pas que le seul RV autorisé par le préfet est : 12 h 30 – Pique-nique géant à la Halle.
Si malgré tout, vous souhaitez, comme nous, vous rassembler à la gare à 12 h, vous risquez de vous voir opposer les forces de l’ordre !
Et si vous voulez marcher… Il est sans doute plus prudent de marcher sur les trottoirs !
A vous de voir…
A dimanche, les organisateurs
Val says .. these walks had been planned for some time but now because of security risks, certainly the one in Toulouse has been banned. I really support action against climate change but hearing what the forces of order are like here in France, I won't be going... if you do bon chance.
I think for non French speakers Sunday meeting at the station, then having an auberge espagnol in the halle to support climate change is admiral. It then says you risk being opposed by the gendarmes. If you do the walk make sure you walk on the pavements/ trottoirs.
There is another side to these walks which if it has been requested they do not to go ahead for security reasons, my reasoning would be organise at another time, the gendarmes have their hands full at the moment.
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