Friday, 20 February 2015

Was it worth the wait?

Dear Val and Malcolm,

A lot of my pictures are opportunistic, or spontaneous, but there are times when I see what Louise terms "a photo waiting to happen".  For example, take the stream and steam photo I posted a while back.  I knew when it was going to be frosty and I also knew what time the sun would be in the right place to create the mist and colour.

The picture of the church tower at Monteils was a similar situation.  I had seen the tower many times when on a shopping trip and it was a "photo waiting to happen".  Over the course of a year I watched and waited.  Then in winter, when the leaves had gone from the trees it somehow isolated the tower in its location allowing it to stand out more from its surroundings.

The shoot:  arriving at the tower the scene is set, but after wandering around I struggled to find a good spot.  Next to the church though is a cemetery, so on entering I found that it afforded a good view.  Myplan was to use the gate posts to add a little foreground interest. By leaving the gate ajar the viewer is invited into the scene, and then by following the diagonal lines of the roof and buttress above the gate the eye is pulled up into the tower.

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