Friday, 20 February 2015

Les Grands Romantiques

East to West - The Great Romantics - Sunday 1st March at 17:00

This delightful programme covers some real gems from the late classical period through to broadway. By setting the concert within Janet's house, it creates a very personal atmosphere evocative of parlour music - before the advent of TV and Radio. We hope you will enjoy a glass of wine and some canopés to make you feel truly at home.

As well as our solo performances of French and American music, we will be performing duets from Schumann and Brahms, including the surprisingly named Die Nonne und der Ritter (The Nun and the Knight). Geneviève plays Liszt's resolute "La Lugubre Gondole" and Ravel's virtuosic "Sonatine".

Tickets can be reserved at

Looking forward to seeing you on 1st March.

With our best wishes

Geof, Janet and Geneviève