Thursday, 4 December 2014

Regurgitated pellets outside the salon window

Nature is fascinating, just outside the salon window we have a pile of  regurgitated  bird pellets. Googling to try and find what big bird it is, we have a choice of owl or kestrel. Now as the kestrel often flies around here staking territory it could be the kestrel pair. Trouble is in all the years they have nested here we have never noticed pellets before.
We also have  owls at night which we know have started to come up on our house roof. Now apparently if we dissect the pellets we would be able to determine which bird it was by the contents.
I did think we should take them round to Jeremy Rewse Davies, local knowledgeable bird man. We could leave them in an envelope for him if he was out. Then I thought Iga being a great cook and also being Polish, might rustle them up into a  garlic sauce as a starter. ( the Poles do seem to eat lots of things from the land, but perhaps just mushrooms)
Perhaps we should ask him first.
Just spoken to Jeremy who confirms that they will be tawny owl pellets and  he would have stopped Iga sautéing them.
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