Thursday, 30 October 2014

What to do for your British Corner Shop order

Hi Val   
For anyone coming to the Book Swap at the Gazpacho, St Antonin on 3rd November, who would like to join in our group order from British Corner Shop, here's what to do...  
First step: go to the British Corner Shop web site and choose what you'd like.  The address is  You can ignore log-in;  just click on Start Shopping or Shop Now and then browse products by brand or view by group or by category, or search for key words like "mint sauce", "custard powder", "gluten-free" etc.  There's a huge range to choose from, including lots of fresh and chilled foods which come in refrigerated parcels.  

Second step: don't add anything to a Shopping Basket, but instead bring a note of what you've chosen, its brand, size and price, and your email address to the November Book Swap. There won't be anything to pay in advance. We share the cost of delivery between us all (it's rarely more than 5% or 6% of what we spend).
And that's it!  If you later find you are unable to pick up your order at the December Book Swap, we can make separate arrangements to get the goods to you.  All chilled foods will stay refrigerated until you receive them.    

Whilst they have many offers and reductions, British Corner Shop prices are, inevitably, higher than at Asda or Sainsbury's - but they do sell top brands, and the goods will be delivered to SW France for next to nothing!
x Chris