Monday, 7 July 2014

Cepes and girolles are plentiful, perfect weather with sun and rain.

Not that we would know as those special places in the woods are unknown to us Anglo Saxons (see, I remembered)
The Mayor's second in command / ajoint told me this morning you will never find him early in the Mairie as on a morning as  he is out in the woods. Which woods he would not of course say but mushrooms are apparently plentiful this year.

We did have some bad news this morning in that one of our team for the Salon,  Chantal has slipped on the steps down to the source in Varen and broken her arm. Chantal is a very keen gardener and I know has her heart set on that trophy " Champion of the Show" I will have to go and see her and see if  we can help her bring her produce on the day. Get well soon Chantal.
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