Hi Val,
Since January this year I've been singing with the Voices choir in Villefranche. There are three Voices choirs for different ages and from September there will be a 4th which I have been asked to conduct. The choir for adults will be suitable for beginners, or those who like singing but have not necessarily sung in a choir before. Everything will be sung with music and you are not required to be able to read music as all the parts will be recorded individually and available to download online to aid learning at home. The repertoire will consist of more popular music in both French and English (yes I have managed to sneak a Beatles number in there!) and the rehearsals will be carried out in my 'improving everyday' French!
Rehearsals will take place on a Monday evenings in Villefranche and you can find out more about the Voices choirs and how to sign up on the Voices website (where you can also listen to recordings of all the different choirs.)
I need at least 15 people to get the choir going so I hope some of you will come and join me!
Becky x mrsbeckybrown@hotmail.co.uk
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com