Monday 13 January 2014

Stop these Chinese fur farms

Dear Val
I'm forwarding this to you in the hope that you can help encourage TAG readers to at least sign an e-petition to stop the horrendous cruelty shown in this video. The images are truly disturbing and many of your readers may not want to see animals being skinned alive on Chinese fur farms. If they cannot watch they can still help by signing the petition, emailing Chinese embassies around the world and above all by sharing with their friends and committing to avoid purchases of anything with fur trim (apparently many items are on sale in high streets here and in UK and are misleadingly labelled)
The e-petition is 
Sincere apologies for any sleepless nights caused by these horrendous images...believe me I can't sleep easy in my bed knowing that this is being allowed to continue, I just wish there were other ways to put a stop to it.
Love Linda 
PS the video wouldn't attach so I will try to send the link seperately. That way you can choose whether or not to watch images including a dog which has been skinned lifting its head toward the camera. OMG Val, it will haunt me for life xXx

This link takes you to a video which I can't bring myself to watch yet to

see if it is the same.

Googling 'china fur trade' brings up more images of horror. Does the word

humanity exist in Chinese I wonder?

Only making other people aware can bring a stop to it xXx

Val says The link does not seem to have come Linda, but I could certainly not watch a dog
being skinned. I will sign and hope others do,
VAL says now I have signed

Couldn’t watch either ... Horrendous.  Signed. 

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