Monday 13 January 2014

It's just a squirrel

Hello Val and Malc,

Not quite as nice as yesterday but gives me chance to catch up on the housework ha ha.

It's just a squirrel

A flash of fast moving red caught in the corner of my eye, a Red Squirrel hunting out its buried nuts.  We sat the dog down and I started to edge forward to hide in a ditch so I could get a better view and if possible a photograph without disturbing the squirrel.

The squirrel seemed completely oblivious to me and the dog, running around up and down the trees and digging in the grass.  I took some pictures and being really pleased with the morning's work retraced my steps to the path and we continued on our walk.

We normally walk through the village and stop and chat with anyone who might be around normally it is the lady who has many cats and always wants to give one away, today it was the village kids who, knowing we are English always shout "hello" as we pass.  They were playing in the lavoir and I jokingly said "baignade interdit", they gave me a funny look and said that it was empty as it was winter and then proceeded to tell us what presents they got for Christmas.  I thought I would show them the squirrel photos, oh they said we see loads of red squirrels here and once I had one running over my foot, not the reaction I was expecting, they then said we have an English girl in our class at school she is called Megan do you know her? 

Feeling slightly underwhelmed, we left them playing in the empty lavoir and headed back home for a cup of builders' tea.

Val says  to see more squirrels look in Wild Photos
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