Sunday 12 January 2014

Martine has a little lamb, well two actually.

Friday 11th-I am confirming a visit to you next Tuesday Val. All is quiet in the fields now and I don’t know about the animals but Geoff and I are both enjoying a bit of a rest. The next project to do with the sheep will be to create a little nursery where the 4 ewes can be separated from each other while giving birth and for the following couple of weeks after that. From observing our Dora and her young, it seems that she enjoys the safety of her pen away from the other 2….
Sunday 12th- We went to the salle des fêtes this morning for the maire’s new year’s wishes to the village folks and met a young couple living here who has heard of Tagline. She is English and teaching English in Cahors and he is french and teaches French to ex-pats in St Antonin…..small world. We’ll get together soon, to look at how my students could meet his, may be in Caussade, to practice conversations. 
Chat soon,
Val says  One is amazed Martine how many people know about TAG, but that would explain the viewing numbers. Looking forward to our meeting  Tuesday and just imagine how TAG could make another leap with French readers.
Glad the lambs are doing well.