Friday 10 January 2014

Burqas, not a good fashion statement but needed in a desert storm

Re: Burqas,

Below is a view of myself IN ONE! I wore it for two days to protect my lungs from sand as we were in a desert storm. What I also discovered was the horrible effect that you cease to be able to communicate or make any impact because nobody can see how you are responding to what they say to you. So someone told me a joke but didn't know whether I found it funny....we were asked to do something I didn't choose to do but I couldn't convey that, and so on.....creepy arrangement.
I just hope that people eventually cease to want to wear or impose them, but, perhaps, in their own time......

A picture of me in the desert at Palmyra discovering that a yashmak a) protects you from desert sand in your mouth and lungs (I had a concert the following week) and, but, b) almost entirely prevents you communicating because people cannot see how you are reacting to what they say.....

Val says: Sally also arranged a singing class weekend at her lovely house in Najac - yet another thing to keep boredom away here.

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