Thursday, 8 November 2018

Electric scooters in Toulouse

We have become used to cities having bicycles available for hire by the hour and even cars in some places. Now Toulouse is to offer electric scooters for 3 euros for 20 minutes, then 1 euro per 10 minutes. Scooters have to be booked by an on-line app, which will tell you where the nearest scooter is and how to access it. Helmets, disposable hair caps and hi-vis gilets are in the scooter's luggage box.
The company offering the service, Indigo Weel, intends to launch the scheme on 12th November and to follow-up with electric cars, bicycles and even "trottinettes" - those little scooters we associate with children.
But to use a 50cc equivalent scooter you need to be over 18, have a French ID and driver's licence.