Monday, 21 May 2018

New controle technique rules from today

Today being a holiday here (Pentecost) the rules will come into force tomorrow. There will be more points tested and many more points of failure.
Vehicles tested will have three possible outcomes: 1 OK, minor faults need correction but no "contre-visite". 2 Major faults to be corrected in two months before a contre visite.  3 (and most controversial) dangerous faults which mean the vehicle may not be driven after midnight on the day of the test and faults corrected an re-tested in two months.
The tests may take 45 minutes, unlike the previous tests of about 30 minutes, therefore with fewer rdvs per day costs will go up, similarly for the contre visite.
The timetables remain unchanged, with the first test after 4 years then every two years. Vehicles being sold must have been tested within the previous 6 months.
Fines for not having a CT range from 135 euros to 750 euros for late payment.
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