Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Gifts from kings remembered

At this time of year Taglines generally has a story about "feves" -  not the beans, but the little figurines you find in the traditional "galettes des rois". These cakes are sold at Epiphany and the person who finds the feve may wear the golden crown which comes with the galette.
We were sorry to see "Minion" galettes, with an advertising crown in a patisserie the other day. It may appeal to the kids but gets away from the tradition. In Spain the festival of "reyes" (literally "kings") is often more important than Christmas itself.
One woman in the Tarn is si passionate about her feves that she has opened a museum with 5000 examples from the 30000  she has collected over the years.
Porcelain feves
Armelle Salvan opened her museum Le Reve du Passé in Ronel (Tarn) 10 years ago. We wonder if any Minion feves will make their way there.
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