So good for my French reading the French newspapers, I know that shit is drugs, cannabis usually. "Go fast"is the French way of saying a car chase, makes sense I think.
Les douanes are the customs men and when they catch the dealers they are interpellées.
Last week end 630 kg of drugs were seized when two men where caught after a go fast at the Spanish border. The drugs were destined for Paris.
Has anyone seen or been accidentally involved in a " go fast?"
There seem to be so many of these at the border that surely some readers must have seen some action.
We are off on Monday, just for a quick 3 day break in the Costa Brava( burglars beware as we have a French family with large dog living in our property to feed the pets) Does that sound as if the large dog is feeding the pets? Better than eating them I suppose!
Bonny who is still recovering from a dreaded tick disease needs a bit of a pick me up and we thought a bit of fresh sea air might just do the trick. Bounding along the cliff tops with the Med lapping the beaches when you arrive at the end of the walk, is just her cup of tea and those sea food restaurants along the shoreline, well she adores a bit of fish!
We quite like it too.
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