Friday, 23 January 2015

A bit of a yawn... boring pet news

Bonny is improving although I do worry that first attack from the tick has made her more susceptible to tick attacks. She never really regained her bouncy self. A few days by the sea may help to put her right, a bit like the French taking the medicinal cure which they do often.
The donkeys are all fit at the moment and little Coco has made a complaint that he never features in stories, so I have included a photo of him.
The cats have been a bit naughty of late pinching food if it is left on the kitchen table. The answer of course is not to leave anything out for them to get, but after a glass of wine and a lovely meal who wants to immediately stack the dish washer.
Penny did have a funny walk I felt after the laying of the egg, nothing else to report  on the egg front, although I live in hopes and keep checking the box. She must have had a hormone surge and a hot flush along with dreams of her youth and the possibility of a new relationship. There is a new cockerel over the road, but nothing will develop there as she is a chicken who never crosses the road, and I hate to say it but she is  past her prime.
Malc is well, on a bit of a high,  as a small miracle came in a win at bridge for him and his partner David. OH! sorry I do not suppose Malc is classed as a pet is he?
Coments to
Coco having just read pet news - yawning with boredom, cheeky boy!