Tuesday 14 January 2014

The President's address from the Elysée Palace

Listening at the moment to Francois Hollande from the Elysée Palace.
What a beautiful room with brightly woven tapestries, red plush curtains and many beautiful chandeliers.
The first question was of course  is Valerie Treilweiler still the first lady ?  The predictable response was it was not the time to discuss that matter.
He seems to be holding his head high and defending his 18 months in government. "What can one do in that time, let us see where we are in three years time" he says and he has a point. Sadly he personally has lost any support I might have felt, even though I was pleased with his decisive action when he sent troops in to Mali.
We must all read the speech tomorrow when printed out to make up our own minds.
comments to taglines82@gmail.com