Saturday 11 January 2014

Keeping in touch

Hello Val,
And Bonne Année. I don’t know how you find the time to keep blogging at your prolific rate – but we are all the beneficiaries.
A regular expat theme in rural France is how to find out what’s going on – especially in the winter – and non-French friends and contacts often bemoan the sporadic nature of publicity about local events. In response to this, I have put together a post on my blog listing as many sources of info as I can think of – including, of course, Taglines – in the hope that this will help people. However, I would be very pleased to hear of other sources that people have found useful.

Thank you for your continued efforts to keep us informed – they are greatly appreciated and always interesting.
 Vanessa x
Val says   there is such a lot happening here but it is frustrating when you miss something, which is why TAG was started in the first instance. 
Now I realise that as well as diffusing information I can raise money for three charities I am happy to spend the time. I appreciate your kind words though Vanessa, many thanks
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