Friday 10 January 2014

It must be the power that makes them attractive.

Francois Hollande, 59, is said to routinely spend the night with A film star age  41, at a flat not far from the Elysee Palace. The magazine has published images purportedly showing the pair arriving at the flat separately on 30 December at night. At 8am the next morning, a man alleged to be the president's bodyguard is shown taking a bag of croissants into the flat.

Hollande - who left Ségolène Royal, a Socialist politician and mother of his four children, seven years ago for his current partner Valerie Trierweiler - had promised to keep his private life out of the headlines while campaigning for the presidency. A statement from his office today said that he "profoundly deplored a breach of the privacy to which he has a right like any citizen" and said he may take legal action against the magazine.
But, as the BBC's Hugh Schofield notes, he does not deny the allegation of an affair.
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Val says I have not reported this story earlier feeling Hollande's private life is his business,  but when it even gets on to BBC news you know it is a big story. One has to be amazed that he has 3 beautiful women " amoureuse de lui "
My feeling is it will not do him any harm politically and just think of how annoyed  Valerie Trierweiler will be, and I imagine Ségolène Royal will be rather pleased about that.
I have always been a  Ségolène Royal supporter.
I have just removed the name of the actress, just to be on the safe side.
The report above from "This week"
The Local echoes my feelings
The French, however, are known for being tolerant of their leaders' infidelities.
On Friday, politicians from across the political spectrum supported Hollande in his right to keep his private life private.
And according to Patrick Eveno, an expert on media history, what Hollande does in the bedroom will not have an impact on public opinion.
"It might even help where polls are concerned. People will focus less on his image as a quiet grandad and more on his image as a seducer."
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