Saturday 11 January 2014

Big day today for the donkey chums

The four donkey chums Rosie, Lucy, Filou and Coco are in for a surprise today.
The young  French owners of  Filou and Coco are back from a six week holiday visiting parents in Alsace and came yesterday to finish cloturing / fencing a huge partly wooded field. The donkeys have never used this field before so it is going to give them lots more grazing, brambles, tree bark to eat and nibble at and they still have access to both of their stables.
The area is so large that we will not be able to keep an eye on their antics which we will miss and there are also more possibilities of escapes. We are all a bit concerned that it is an area the chasse love and  walk through from the road down into the valley bottom often, parting the barbed wire fence and removing it in places. We have used electric fencing all the way round but it is easy for the hunters to dislodge if it gets in their way. Respecting the rights of property owners is part of the chasseurs code but we and the young French couple have seen already the fences tied up with string etc. round about to make access easier for themselves and dogs.
The song is going through my head  " if you go down to the woods today, you are in for a big surprise"  and the surprise will be  donkeys partying, not bears.
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