Thursday 9 January 2014

Anybody bored?

Did you say yes?  You have got to be kidding.
There is so much to do here and such a variety of things, there is surely something for everybody.
Malc has just come in from playing bridge at Caylus and as I write this, he is giving me a run down of his bridge hands with partner David.  Both of these guys love their bridge and then tomorrow they will be playing boules  at Verfeil sur Seye  at 2.30pm
I, on the other hand will be at creative writing with mentor Doreen Porter, helping us to hone our writing skills.
We have had this months book and DVD swap and I have a shelf to read before next month and  Malc and I both found a couple of DVDs we want to watch.
I am also in the Fifi gardening club and this year with Debbie at the helm, exciting things are being forecast.
One of our guest cookery writers Glynis Howgego tells me she has another set of cookery courses planned, look at her website for details, and these are for any lady ( or man) who fancies it.
The Queryls cinema has a  good programme this month ending up with a film that was in the list of top ten films for last year.
Walking groups have full programmes, occitane dancing groups, occitane talking groups, jamming sessions, folk and jazz, Quercy Grimpe climbing club, vintage car meetings, Fifi ladies groups doing everything but naked knitting,  but that is a summer activity ... do you want more.
Information about all these activities are somewhere in TAG
If I have missed anything out let me know
Later Val says  Forgot choral singing, there are loads of choirs if you like singing.
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