Friday, 6 April 2012

Forage for Wild Garlic

Whilst looking for your wild asparagus don't forget to look for wild garlic.
I don't know if its really wild garlic or not, but it tastes like a strong spring onion & is absolutely delicious. Its great in green salads or just cleaned & dipped in coarse salt.
You look for the tops which look exactly like spring onion tops except that they grow closer to the ground & spread out a bit. You need a small trowel or digging implement to dig them up as they are deep rooted. Make sure you get down below the bulb.
Just wash & peel the outer layer just as you would a Spring onion. Then enjoy.
Much nicer than the dreaded wild asparagus. I think you have to be a native to enjoy that stuff!
Sent by David Hatfiled who lives at Verfeil and writes a food blog