Frank T'Hezan is this year producing 'La Belle Helene' by Jacques Offenbach at the Chateaux of Bruniquel 22 July to 9 th Aug. For those who have never been it is worth going and it always end up a memorable evening. The Offenbach operettas, humorous with some famous tunes, each year are held high in the castle's forecourt starting around 9.30 and going on late in to the night. The operetta is followed by an optional buffet during which all the artistes perform their special party pieces and can end up being great fun, quite hilarious with the singers' children enjoying the evening wandering all over the stage.The Maire of Bruniquel throws himself in to it all lugging chairs and tables about and generally being very nice and helpful. The repas tends to be pretty much the same every year but the evening is not really about the food. Another tip is take a cushion as the benches over a long period are not that comfortable and a drink if it is hot.
Bookings only by telephone or at the Office de Tourisme. Book early to avoid being disappointed.
Tel 0563672984 or see