Monday, 21 March 2011

Orchids - add colour to your country walks

If you are enthused by the natural world of our region, the variety of wild orchids cannot fail to excite interest.
More than 50 varieties - excluding many hybrids - exist in Tarn and Garonne alone. And this is the season when they start to appear.
Often at first sight they seem just like any other wild flower - pretty, but unexceptional. But take a close up view and see just how different  and beautiful they can be.
They grow in many different landscapes, but on your country walks look out for them and if you have a camera take a close up. But don't pick them. Some are protected, but all need to be left to amaze the next person along.

For a comprehensive list and identification aid look at Lilliane Pessotto's web site at - not only orchids, but butterflies and other flowers as well.
Orchis male - Early purple orchid seen 19/3/2011
A readers comment   The photo actually shows the Green-winged orchid, Orchis morio, which is the most common orchid in the area at that time in March.
Michael Fontes