News and views from the Tarn, Aveyron and Tarn and Garonne corner of South West France.
Friday, 10 December 2021
Tuesday, 7 December 2021
Tuesday, 30 November 2021
Olive oil from Laura and Sid
Many of you may remember Laura and Sid who used to live in St. Antonin, then moved to Portugal. They sell their wonderful olive oil
Can you please put the following message on tag for us.
We have a limited quantity of our own organic hand picked home produced cold pressed olive oil available by the 5ltr only. please contact
for further details.
Saturday, 27 November 2021
Our condolences
just received this email from Hazel Armfield who had a home for many years in Verfeil
Hello Val
I know you still use tagg-line. Can you put a little message on to say that John lost his battle with cancer this afternoon and passed peacefuly away in Perpignan Hospital.
Monday, 22 November 2021
Sunday, 21 November 2021
Saturday, 20 November 2021
Friday, 19 November 2021
Monday, 15 November 2021
Les Jardins des Bastides closing
Gosh, here is a turnup for the books
Jardin des Bastides closing after all these years.
Au Revoir !
Bonjour à tous,
Après 32 ans de vie active et passionnante au Jardin des Bastides, j'ai décidé de prendre ma retraite de pépinièriste et de me lancer vers d'autres aventures : Coaching et Conseils jardins.
Merci à tous pour votre soutien, votre confiance et votre enthousiasme. Cathy et moi sommes très reconnaissantes de votre fidélité.
Réductions sur tout le stock !
Du 15 novembre au 15 décembre :
-30% sur toutes les plantes en conteneurs : arbres, arbutes, rosiers, vivaces…
-20% sur les plantes à racines nues : fruitiers, arbres d'ornement…
A bientôt,
Sylvie et Cathy
Friday, 29 October 2021
Book swap, Monday 1st
Next Monday, 1st November, is the Book Swap. We have the « perfect storm »; it’s the Toussaint bank holiday, the forecast is cold and wet, and my co-worker Jane has spent the week in hospital with a bad back. However I won’t let you down, I will be at Le Gaspacho at 10.30, but with a smaller selection of books than last month. Come along and enjoy a coffee and find something to read during the winter evenings.
We will be back on full form for the December swap, on Monday 6th December.
Looking forward to seeing you,
Sunday, 24 October 2021
Well respected local artist dies
Alan John Taylor, an elderly local artist has died. He was much loved and respected by many.
One hopes he will continue with his art in heaven.
Rest in Peace Alan,from all your friends not just in St.Antonin but in the area.
Friday, 22 October 2021
Wednesday, 13 October 2021
Thursday, 16 September 2021
Wednesday, 15 September 2021
Sunday, 12 September 2021
Saturday, 11 September 2021
Sunday, 29 August 2021
Afghanistan on our minds
All of us are thinking and being sad about Afghanistan,even 4 years ago the Taliban were sending young men to us. One can imagine their horror now being governed by terrorists.As many have said to me,terrorists do not suddenly change. All we can do now is help those escaping, if in France or the Uk.
This was written and posted 4 years ago
Who messed up Afghanistan? Who is killing in Sudan?
Afghanistan has been messed for years and years, but why?
Does it matter why? it is true.
Afghans love their country but the Taliban and poverty are making them leave. To listen to one young man after another tell me why they are here in France and were actually on their way to the UK, is so sad to hear.
As with any group, there are boys whose family could afford education and the young men I know where educated in Pakistan, although the families were Afghan. Recently tensions between Pakistan and Afghanistan along the border near Peshawar have made Afghan familes go back to Afghanistan.
There, as in Pakistan the Taliban have taken over and are growing in support. You join the Taliban or you and your family are threatened. Intelligent, educated young men are a target.
Some are totally uneducated, having never been to school but give them a phone and they learn to speak multi languages and teach themselves to write... being uneducated does not mean unintelligent.
So what have we got there in Afghanistan, young men with no chance of work, they watch families virtually starving.
They are threatened and coerced to join the Taliban.
What choices have they? They leave in the hopes of finding a better safer life, rather than join the Taliban.
In Sudan the Arab government are on a mission to ethnically cleanse the dark skinned native Africans. Sudanese Africans who love to dance and sing and do not want to fight, they are being targeted by the government, starting with University students but not stopping there.
I have heard so many sad stories whilst helping "our boys" over the last two years.
Most with lives in danger but some I am sure just wishing a safer, profitable life. Everyone wants to work and send money home to family left behind.
Do not scoff at this. if you had family you loved who were on the breadline what would you do?
In our " throw away society" we have so much we can afford to throw food out, throw good clothes, cars and furniture away, imagine when i take some of my boys to pick up items given away, how they must wish " Mama Val" could send them to their families.
I never knew two years ago how touched Malc and I would be by these young men.
The world, our world is small, and we should have enough heart and empathy to help others, regardless of ethnicity or religion.
What can we all do?
You may not wish to be as involved as Malc and I have become but you can donate money and things we can sell, spend a little time with the boys.
Just CARE, please.
Thursday, 19 August 2021
The Book swap is back
THE BOOK SWAP RETURNS. We will return to the Gazpacho in Saint Antonin on the first Monday of each month. The next swap will be on Monday 6th September from 10.30 to 11.30am. If you are planning to donate books, please make sure they are clean and in good condition, and that they are something that someone else might actually want to read!
Many thanks are due to Helen and David Graham who have kindly run the swap since Val and Malc passed it on. It is now the turn of Jane Robinson and myself. We look forward to seeing you on the 6th. Please bear in mind you should wear a mask while browsing, just to make everyone feel safe. Should the weather let us down, we will have a smaller event inside and you will need your pass sanitaire to come in, as is the case with any bar now. We will be providing hand sanitizer, please use it before handling the books.
Caroline Mills
Friday, 6 August 2021
Thursday, 5 August 2021
Friday, 23 July 2021
Friday, 16 July 2021
Grand bal a Laguepie
Le 25 Juillet, c’est la vide grenier de Varen.
Prévoyez un petit détour pour découvrir Seccotine, à côté de la Pharmacie, anciennement boulangerie. Vous découvrirez une très jolie boutique de déco et cadeaux, de l’épicerie fine et un agréable salon de thé, où je vous attends pour une première signature de mon livre « ma vie rurale » en attendant une rencontre au tracteur savant à la rentrée.
Vous pouvez venir avec votre livre, si vous l’avez déjà.
Une lecture aura lieu également à Espinas l’après-midi du 25 , et une signature également le Samedi 24 au Cultura de Montauban.
Bon week-end en attendant.
Thursday, 15 July 2021
Tuesday, 6 July 2021
Saturday, 3 July 2021
A hero of mine Chris Patten
Chris Patten for as many years as I can remember has had a home at Laguepie. One of his daughters got married in the Church of Varen and many Tory MPs stayed in a B&B in Varen. It was a lovely although very hot day, many of us went to the service and a friend drove his old car with the bride then happy couple in.
These were all the sort of Tories one respected, ones with principles who cared about the country,the people and our reputation in the world.
Read and digest
Chris Patten has called on the UK government to “tell the truth” and implement the “legally binding” Northern Ireland protocol, saying “the problem at heart is not the sausages you get from Sainsbury’s but the porkies that we all get, home and abroad, from Downing Street.” He also said it seemed certain that the “lack of trust in the British government on both sides of the community in Northern Ireland” would “do nothing to halt the momentum” towards a vote “sooner perhaps rather than later, for a decision to get rid of the border once and for all and reunite Ireland.”
Saturday, 26 June 2021
Friday, 28 May 2021
Mains Tendues in Varen, presenting a cheque to the school
1,000 euros cheque presented to the parents association at Varen school by tye new President of Mains Tendues,Jo Schofield
Tuesday, 25 May 2021
Happy days
The happiest years of our life were spent at Mas del Sol, Malc and I and a variety of pets. Last night the new owner invited me up for aperos with some friends. It was as magical as it always was and the kestrels are nesting in the wall of the gite again.
Our twenty years in France and the happiest at this place, the tall cypress tree and the collection of buildings you can see in the distance was us.
So happy that the new owner likes it as much as we did,and to see Max our cat happy there again is so lovely
How priviliged we were, we knew we were just guarding it for the next ,as it has gone on through the years... and possibly with Kestrels nesting.
Today I saw two hoopos, i have seen and heard the golden oriole and the cuckoo. I was here for the wild orchid display along the hedgerows and in the fields and now I am content for the next chapter.
Today I had some good news,I sign the procuration at the notaires for the sale of this house, tomorrow. The lady buying has deposited the necessary funds and she will move in later in June.
The brilliant photo was taken by Gareth Brown
Sunday, 23 May 2021
Friday, 14 May 2021
Give yourself that feel good factor
All the world news seems to be dire this morning, heartbreaking what is happening between Israelians and Palestinians. For heavens sake get around the Peace table and stop the killing.
Refugees being targeted not just in Glasgow but in England too by Priti Patel and her facist group. Many asylum seekers were moved yesterday when they should have been able to celebrate Eid, moved to worse accomodation at a moments notice. Often these refugees had doctor and dentists appointments and were in the middle of treatment.
I post my stories with pretty chocolate cakes and pictures of our local smart restaurant about to reopen, our lives.... and we are so lucky.
YOU can say, what can we do?
Well you could do something.
Do you need ideas?
Help local charities raise money for refugees and people in need
Mains Tendues 82 in Varen asking for people to give up 2 hours of their time a week to help
You can give unwanted items to sell to raise money, I have just sent a car load with more to go
We have brilliant lives here but helping others gives a real sense of worth.
Friends here and in the Uk I know many work for charities and feel the rewards but for others who perhaps are retired and need a challenge, find a charity that appeals to you.
It can be helping the homeless, Cancer charities ,anything ...
if I am preaching to the converted forgive me, but we do need the world to change
I leave you with the message of ,help each other and give LOVE and joy.
You can have a laugh doing it .😂
Sunday, 9 May 2021
Saying good bye
As I think the majority of you know I am returning to the Uk after 20 years of not just living but energising in France.
Malc and I always said whatever happened we have had these years.
20 years of being involved.
We created the monthly book swap which will be able to start again soon
The Varenly regatta, a yearly canoe race in Varen for Families
Monthly Folk and Jazz Evenings
Picnic in the Park yearly Jazz event raising money for Enfants d’Afrique , children in Bamako
Malc was President of the Caylus Bridge club
Malc started the Friday boules group,
For awhile I was involved with Fifi as a committee member
I started the very popular on line local magazine Taglines,first as paper copies then Tag-on-line,Malc became so interested he joined me with editorials
I helped rehomed animals with Truffes et Moustaches and started a face book page called Rehoming animals in Midi Pyrenees
When nearly 6 years ago refugees arrived in the area and we both then spent every minute doing what we could to help them.
When they started getting asylum and their own apartments we asked readers to give us furniture and funds to help us ,help them
We were so succesful we needed an association and created Mains Tendues 82,which proved a great success and I am proud and Malc would be too to know it is going to continue.
As you also know Malc died about 17 months ago, then we were plunged into covid. Because I am now 75 and feel I need family in 3 weeks I will return to the Uk.
I want to take this opportunity before I go to thank everyone for their love and kindness to us both.
His time and my time have just been a blast... but we could not have enjoyed it without you all.
I am sure you will continue to hear of my exploits in the Uk
Saturday, 1 May 2021
Joy and hope wished on this the first of May
Muguet or Lily of the Valley in English,growing in my garden sent to wish you joy and hope
Thursday, 29 April 2021
Friday, 23 April 2021
Saturday, 10 April 2021
France picking up speed on Covid vaccinations
Thursday, 1 April 2021
Macron’s speech last night
Key points from Macron's speech tonight...
From Saturday night, the measures in place in those departments already "confined" will be extended to all of France, for four weeks.
The curfew will be maintained.
Attestations will be needed to travel more than 10 kms from your home.
Crèches, les écoles, les collèges et les lycées will be closed for three weeks. Next week classes will be held at home, except for children of carers and some other professions, as well as for children with disabilities. The school year will start on 26 April, physically for nursery and primary schools, remotely for secondary schools. Students will still be able to go to university one day a week.
Parents who cannot guard their children at home will be able to benefit from the partial unemployment scheme.
For all the businesses affected, the aid schemes will be re-established. For shopkeepers, the self-employed... All the measures currently in force will be extended.
Vaccination will be extended. We will vaccinate every day of the week, on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
From 15 May, vaccination will be open to French people aged between 55 and 65.
Thursday, 25 March 2021
Monday, 22 March 2021
Monday, 15 March 2021
Book sale hoping to go ahead in April
Message from Sue Glibbery at Poorpaws
Hallo Faithful Booklovers !
I'm getting in touch to tell you that, barring any new confinements, your favourite Book Sale will be taking place the weekend of 10th/11th April.
As usual it will be at the Salle des Fetes of St; Pantaleon, (Lot), starting at 10am and finishing at 14.30. I am busy sorting through hundreds of books and can promise you that we have some really fabulous books in great condition ! Do I say that every time ? Yeah, probably, but I promise you it is true. As last time, anti covid regulations will govern, masks MUST be worn, there will be a one way system in the hall and hand sanitizers will be plentiful. We are restricted to the number of people allowed inside - hopefully more than last time - but, as last time, and weather permitting, there will be tables to browse outside. Please use the village car park which is a two minute walk away and well signposted. Prices have not changed, all books are at one euro, as are dvds, with boxed sets being 50 cents per disc. Cds, 50 cents.
We CANNOT accept books on the day, so please get in touch with me if you have books to donate. We have sufficient cookery and coffee table books for this sale. I know you won't mind me saying that books must be in a good saleable condition.
Our fabulous cake team has their mixing bowls at the ready and we are hoping to put them back in the main hall this time so you can better see the delicious choices on offer. We will not be able to offer lunches but can highly recommend Nina's tasty samosas if you fancy something savoury.
I really do hope that you all feel safe enough to come - hopefully many of us will be vaccinated by then ! We really appreciate your support, at the moment bills are being paid out of personal savings, which is fine, my choice to keep the unadopted dogs, so I assume, but 600 euros vet fees over the last couple of months is a bit of a choker apart from other expenses.
We do our best to make it a pleasurable outing for all you avid readers and, judging from feedback, we succeed, so your Book Team looks forward to welcoming you all again in April.
Sue x
Sunday, 7 March 2021
Beware those caterpillars
Hi Val
For all dog walkers, be careful because the processionary caterpillars are about a little early.
Friday, 5 March 2021
Relaxing game boules
Today I had my first day at leisure for 5 years, playing boules again.
Malc set up this group soon after we arrived probably around 2004
Today now I have retired from Mains Tendues I played boules again.
It was my first afternoon of leisure for 5 years and by gum I enjoyed it. It brought me closer to Malc who had he been alive would have been there with us on our 55 th wedding anniversary.
This was 2011
For many years now a dedicated group of boulistes, mainly Brits but with regular assistance of some French, occasional Dutch players and often supplemented by summer visitors, have met on Friday afternoon to indulge in this most French of pastimes.
Numbers vary from 10 to 20+, all ages, both men and women, plus many children in the holidays. In order to achieve some fairness in the teams players are generally seeded into “tireurs” (those who think they can knock out opponents’ boules) and “pointers” (the rest). Teams are always drawn at random to try and give some semblance of equal opportunities.
The game is usually played in either “doublettes” – teams of two players using 3 boules each - or “triplettes” – teams of three players using 2 boules each. Given the unknown number of people attending on any Friday we don’t usually know until we start how many doublettes and/or triplettes we will have. But we usually manage to sort something out.
We usually play 2 or three games, “parties”, up to 13 points. The afternoons last about 2 hours.
In summer the matches are at the Verfeil boulodrome, but in winter we find Varen is less likely to be cold as the sun remains on the “terrain” much longer.
All the matches are played in a serious but friendly spirit and the regulars would welcome any newcomers and will willingly help explain the rules and the tactics. You don’t need to become a regular; come as often or a little as you wish. Some of us have even become familiar on the French circuit of “amicales” – occasionally the very proud winners of a few euros! It’s a pastime or a passion, as you wish.
From Friday 4th November we will be meeting at Varen on the boules terrain by the little Vival supermarket, rain always permitting. So if you would like to come and play or just find out more we would love to see you.
For more details ring Malcolm 0563 64 06 73 or email — with Deborah Eagle and Neil Ford.
Tuesday, 2 March 2021
Wednesday, 24 February 2021
A new dining terrace at the Moulin
Soon to be a new terrace for dining with views overlooking the river.
I cannot wait.
The Moulin of Varen, how lucky we are to have it here in the village
Monday, 22 February 2021
Thursday, 18 February 2021
The end of my era
This week I resigned as President of Mains Tendues in Varen and welcomed in a younger, enthusiastic team

Jo Schofield, the new President
Myriam Dubois, secretary and treasurer
And three Vice Presidents, Hilary Edwards, Charlotte Stallwood and Najat Olive
Jo Schofield, the new President
Myriam Dubois, secretary and treasurer
And three Vice Presidents, Hilary Edwards, Charlotte Stallwood and Najat Olive
Rose Lewis is Vice Treasurer, not pictured
Tuesday, 5 January 2021
Part of the chateau of Laguepie for sale
For sale exceptional house part of the chateau of Laguepie. The house has so much character as befits a French chateau, in total calm, near an historic site and charming village, dominant location, with all amenities accessible 5 minutes on foot: 2 weekly markets, mini markets, butcher, pharmacy, post office, press, restaurant, hairdresser..
living room, dining room, kitchen, 6 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 vaulted cellars, laundry room, 2 North and South terraces, 600m2 garden, parking
Perfect insulation, double glazing
Laguepie is known for its river swimming areas with a locally proclaimed blue flag beach.
Saturday, 2 January 2021
The Covid years 2020 in Varen
We are now starting to gather in your contributions to the Covid Years in Varen. It is going to be an interesting read and we look forward to receiving around 250 words with a photograph
Why and how long you have lived in Varen, with your impressions of living this year with the Covid pandemic
You can send your contribution to
Or take and post in a box which you will find in the pharmacy or another in the médiathèque
Here below is my contribution, it can be in English or French
I moved from a large property in the hills into the village after my husband died and within weeks Covid raised its ugly head and we went into lock down.
I have lived in Varen for 20 years and love our village and surrounding areas. A village with a chateau, ancient church and a river flowing through. Over the years here we have had some wonderful holidays with family here. We will all keep the memories in our hearts.
In our years here we have played boule, started a book swap in St. Antonin once a month, had fun with a regatta on the river and in our latter years starting helping refugees who were sent to our area whilst they applied for asylum.
Whilst my husband was alive we created with other friends an association Mains Tendues 82 to help not only refugees but people in need.
We were lucky enough to have on loan a building in the halle where we could sell items donated to us to sell with all profits going to other associations and those needing a bit of extra help.
This year 2020 we have spent many weeks with the friperie closed, we have had some success selling on line but it is not the same as personal interaction.
Being on my own I have found it particularly hard and laughed when a friend said “ my highlight of the day is going to the poubelles and hoping I meet someone to talk to.”
So difficult not seeing family in the Uk and so because of Covid and the looming Brexit I have made the decision to go back to the Uk to be with family there.
A hard decision.
Val Johnstone
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