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News and views from the Tarn, Aveyron and Tarn and Garonne corner of South West France.
Saturday, 31 January 2015
Danny Boon's next film
"Une jolie Ch'tite famille" is going to be Danny Boon's next film. After the success of Bienvenue chez les Ch’tis this will be another film to look forward to. If you have not seen the first it is very funny and worth seeing.
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Formation flying
Dear Val and Malcolm,
I know Geese are not as exciting as a Firecrest or even a Goldcrest, but when it is raining and cold you have to take the shots where you can. These were taken locally at the Caussade lakes, which is a posh name for gravel pits. The great thing is that when these particular birds are flying they make quite a racket, so it was a case of lining up the camera, pointing it in the direction of noise and hoping for the best. Animals do not have that movie star attraction to a camera lens, so there are some headless flying geese, see if you can spot them.
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I know Geese are not as exciting as a Firecrest or even a Goldcrest, but when it is raining and cold you have to take the shots where you can. These were taken locally at the Caussade lakes, which is a posh name for gravel pits. The great thing is that when these particular birds are flying they make quite a racket, so it was a case of lining up the camera, pointing it in the direction of noise and hoping for the best. Animals do not have that movie star attraction to a camera lens, so there are some headless flying geese, see if you can spot them.
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Everyone makes mistakes
The Connexion have published a retraction and apology on a story which got out of hand stating a farmer in the Aveyron was a terrorist and was off to Syria. The strange thing is I saw this article and thought it was something about nothing, a bit fishy and all adding to the hysteria of the on going terrorist subject. I decided not to mention it.
It does show though that re reporting the news is a tricky business and so easy to publish " the baker is dead story," when actually like his bread he had risen. You have to admit that one was my best so far!
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It does show though that re reporting the news is a tricky business and so easy to publish " the baker is dead story," when actually like his bread he had risen. You have to admit that one was my best so far!
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Trial of the year coming up
The court has got to decide if Strauss Kahn was just a sexually obsessed man or a pimp The court is likely to hear sordid details as the state seeks to portray Strauss-Kahn as a sexually-obsessed man who knew no limits. The pimping charge against Strauss-Kahn is punishable by up to ten years in prison and a fine of up to €1.5 million ($1.7 million). He is one of 14 defendants in the trial which is expected to last three weeks. He is scheduled to take the stand himself from February 10th.
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Manon with Nathalie Dessay at Mas del Sol
The March production on Wed. 18th of March at 6 pm we will be showing this fabulous production of Massenet's Manon with Natalie Dessay. Get booking your seats now, I think this is going to be another popular one. In French already, so no worry the subtitles will be in English.
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Two brothers,twins with cystic fibrosis
Mucoviscidose is cystic fibrosis in French. These twins were both born with the genetic illness and have suffered much in their lives so far. They have written a book about the way their lives have been and want their final end to be with dignity. Damien et Nicolas Delmer luttent who live in "les Pyrénées-Oriental" have spoken to Francois Holland hoping to get the law passed here for assisted suicide. The book is called " Frères jusqu'au dernier souffle" They are 34 years old and Damien the most fragile is in hospital at the moment.
One feels for the boys and their parents, however you feel about assisted suicide. I agree and want a law to be passed but Malc I think is not so sure.
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One feels for the boys and their parents, however you feel about assisted suicide. I agree and want a law to be passed but Malc I think is not so sure.
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Doreen Porter gives her ten random facts
Hi Val
They are very odd, but it was fun remembering! Doreen
They are very odd, but it was fun remembering! Doreen
1. I once played a version of The Weakest Link at 10 Downing Street
2. I passed O level Russian
3. I’ve been ‘on patrol’ with the police in Miami, Hong Kong, Los Angeles, Berlin and The Cayman Islands
4. I was at Pegasus Bridge on the exact 50th anniversary of D-Day
5. Max Bygraves made me a cup of tea and played a Singalongamax CD to me while I drank it!
6. I landed on a warship in the North Sea by helicopter
7. As a child I lived next door to a chap called Laurie London who had a no 1 hit with ‘I’ve got the whole world in his hands’
8. I’ve published a book, ‘An A to Z of life in France’
9. I had lunch with Joan Collins at the top of the Post Office Tower in London (shows how long ago that was!)
10. I helped bathe an elephant in Sri Lanka
Val says - can anyone beat that!
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Local newspapers to unite
Jean Michel Baylet is the president of the departmental conseil general of Tarn and Garonne, leader of the Parti Radical de Gauche (a social democrat party to which our local MP Sylvia Pinel belongs) and is also the principal shareholder in the Depeche du Midi group.
He announced yesterday that the group is to buy control of the Midi Libre group. This group of newspapers is widely read in Languedoc and Aveyron and presumably the new group will be better placed to deal with the new amalgamated region Midi Pyrenees/Languedoc Roussillon.
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He announced yesterday that the group is to buy control of the Midi Libre group. This group of newspapers is widely read in Languedoc and Aveyron and presumably the new group will be better placed to deal with the new amalgamated region Midi Pyrenees/Languedoc Roussillon.
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Sylvia Pinel, the minister of housing was in Cahors yesterday
Sylvia Pinel minister of housing and our MP, was being shown the centre of the historic old town and work being done on revitalising the area. 500 houses are being rehabilitated over 6 years and 100 buildings in a bad state are being recycled and improved. The idea that a revitalised centre would bring jobs, visitors and money to the town and improve the lives of the residents is to be applauded.
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Pizza with cassoulet
I quite like pizza and I love cassoulet but the two together can be found served in the Aude, the area known for cassoulet. I think I will stick to one or the other.
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Weather conditions in the Grand Sud
Here in Tarn and Garonne we " fingers crossed" are missing the worst of the conditions.Snow is making access to ski stations difficult or in some cases impossible. The risk of avalanche is high and thousands of homes have lost electricity. Last night we watched the meteo on TV and saw snow in the north, snow in the south and we were in a little clear pocket.. but will it last?
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Friday, 30 January 2015
Weather troubles in the South West
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Riverside road completely flooded |
The Aveyron at Varen was about 3 metres, normally about 1 metre or less and tons of debris has been washed down.
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Debris gathered at the Moulin de Varen
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Published yesterday in a Moroccan newspaper
This is the front page of a Moroccan weekly newspaper called "Al Watan Al Ane" ( wonder if it has anything to do with donkeys?)
Anyway the 29th of January saw this mock up of Francois Hollande. Abderrahim Ariri, the directeur of the publication, was unrepentant after the Charlie Hebdo cartoons.
Anybody read Arabic? A reader has asked for a translation of the headline!
Anybody read Arabic? A reader has asked for a translation of the headline!
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It is a boy
Shakira and footballer Gerard Piqué are celebrating the birth of their second baby, a boy. It does not seem that long since their first when Shakira posed in the nude whilst heavily pregnant, all to raise money for Unicef. There was some comment that they want lots of children, maybe to have their own football team?
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Dental hygienist?
Dear Val
I am aware that you are currently compiling a list of highly recommendeddentists but I now have to visit a dental hygienist regularly. Please could
you ask your readers if anyone knows of one. I live in the Villefranche area
but am prepared to travel for an hour or so..
With many thanks and kind regards.
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La Gloire de Mon Père chez nous
We have arranged a showing in French with English subtitles of the marvellous film " La Gloire de mon Père" Friday 6th of February at Mas del Sol. I am hoping we will have French and English here so as well as talking and practising our French we will then have our French heads on for the simple to understand film. All are welcome
Bonjour a tous
nous avons arrangé chez nous une soirée du film " La Gloire de Mon Père" vendredi, le six fevrier à dix huit heures
Je viendrai chercher Maurice et si li y a des autres en Varen, dites a moi.
Passe une bonne journée
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Bonjour a tous
nous avons arrangé chez nous une soirée du film " La Gloire de Mon Père" vendredi, le six fevrier à dix huit heures
Je viendrai chercher Maurice et si li y a des autres en Varen, dites a moi.
Passe une bonne journée
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La Cathédrale Ste Cecile at Albi
This old post card suggests that the Cathedral of St Cecile is a "musée", but is actually confusing it with the palace of La Berbie, which now houses the Toulouse Lautrec collection. La Berbie is occitan for "bishop" and it once housed the archbishop. Both unmissable in your trip to Albi.
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SAFER invaded in Cahors
SAFER has nothing to do with health and safety as anglophones might guess, but is a departmental body designed to ensure that agricultural land is made available to young farmers, mainly by "preemption" of land offered for sale. When we bought the field adjoining our garden we were obliged to wait 3 months whilst it was offered via a notice published by SAFER to any young farmer wishing to buy at the price agreed.
Yesterday the meeting of the committee of the SAFER in Cahors was invaded by representatives of the Confederation Paysanne, an association of agricultural workers. The activists claimed that the body was acting in the interests of landowners and speculators and indeed a degree of corruption in preferring their own "friends" instead of young farmers.
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Yesterday the meeting of the committee of the SAFER in Cahors was invaded by representatives of the Confederation Paysanne, an association of agricultural workers. The activists claimed that the body was acting in the interests of landowners and speculators and indeed a degree of corruption in preferring their own "friends" instead of young farmers.
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9 out of 10 taxis refuse to take a pet.
If you are planning a journey in a taxi check that they will take your pet. 9 out of 10 refuse saying there would be extra cost in cleaning. This includes cats and dogs even in carrying boxes and small cages.
On that basis how do they feel about small children?
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On that basis how do they feel about small children?
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Did your sous sol look like this?
Ours certainly did, we sorted out useful decorative objects then needed a skip for the rest.
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Large 4x4s,Twingos, and Smart cars the most stolen
Published in a motor magazine and making the TV news the cars mentioned above are the most stolen. New ones are sold on but do not be complacent if you have an older model.These are stolen by repairers for parts as they are also the cars most knocked or crashed into when parked in towns.
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French cocks under threat
Rugby fans have become used to seeing beautiful cocks invading the pitch at Twickenham and Parc des Princes over the last 30 years or so to give support to the French XV, especially against the traditional enemy, England. Many of these birds were produced by 85 year old Madeleine "Mado" Delpech from Gaillac. But in the last few weeks Mado has lost 35 cocks, many decapitated, to an unknown predator. English supporters have denied responsibility and suggest a fox or pine marten.
Val says adding to Malc's report. We saw this on the local news last night but it made National news this morning. What a character the old lady was who bred the cocks. She had unruly hair, seemed to have one eye, kept all these cocks in a chaotic barn, knowing cocks together there must be loads of fights. It was the most fascinating insight to a rural bizarre French life. Did anyone else see the interview?
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Val says adding to Malc's report. We saw this on the local news last night but it made National news this morning. What a character the old lady was who bred the cocks. She had unruly hair, seemed to have one eye, kept all these cocks in a chaotic barn, knowing cocks together there must be loads of fights. It was the most fascinating insight to a rural bizarre French life. Did anyone else see the interview?
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Rain, wind, snow, floods in five department
Fortunately our department just caught the edge of it. We had rain all day and last night strong winds brought down branches from nearby trees. Malc on his way home from bridge at Caylus dodged branches along the road. The wind around midnight was whistling down the chimney and locked doors rattled in their frames. We have still to inspect the grounds. Departments further south have many more problems and there are avalanche and flood warnings.
Pluie, vent, neige, crues : cinq départements du Grand Sud en alerte orange
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Nous sommes vendredi, le trente,
(ce ne sont pas tes oignonsthat’s none of your business)
Betty says
That is funny,because when I had my bunions operated on the doctor called them oignons!! Betty
Val says onions or bunions, I think in this case "onions", but whatever it means "that's none of your business"
Thanks Betty
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Betty says
That is funny,because when I had my bunions operated on the doctor called them oignons!! Betty
Val says onions or bunions, I think in this case "onions", but whatever it means "that's none of your business"
Thanks Betty
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Thursday, 29 January 2015
Travel by rail
As part of its tenth birthday celebrations, iDTGV - a subsidiary of French national rail company SNCF - is selling 10,000 passes allowing unlimited travel to the 50 cities in its network.
The annual pass, available from €59.99 a month, will enable frequent travellers the option to reserve four different journeys at the same time.
Train bookings will be available from two months up to 45 minutes before the train leaves the station.
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Book swap Monday
First Monday of the month 2nd of February will be the book swap. If you have any old christmas cards to bring for Chats du Quercy I will pass them on. Come and swap DVds and books and have a coffee and a chat.
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Get about in a van
Hi Val,
Got the van, now we are going to kit out the inside with a raised platform bed, cabinets, table, etc...all ready for camping. And it's a Renault Master, so you can stand up in it. Nice and big for Bruce and I and the three dogs.
Here's a photo.
Glad you had a nice time here in Catalunya.
Val says some readers may know Ali and Bruce who have just moved from St. Antonin to Gerona. They are originally from sunny climes in the USA so like the sun. They have only been in Spain for about 6 weeks but they are loving the blue skies
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Anyone know the name of a good dentist, four so far
We were given the name of a dentist at Villefranche Dominic Fabée tel 0565450124. A lady dentist who is supposed to be very good.
As there is no dentist in St. Antonin now if anyone has the name and location of dentists in the area let me know to go in a label. Easy then to look one up.
Ali has suggestion this one at Caussade
Dear Val,
Not sure if Caussade would be too far for you, but Dr. Jean-Michel Galliot is fantastic. I was referred to him by my doctor in Caylus. tel 0563 931385
Hi Val
As there is no dentist in St. Antonin now if anyone has the name and location of dentists in the area let me know to go in a label. Easy then to look one up.
Ali has suggestion this one at Caussade
Dear Val,
Not sure if Caussade would be too far for you, but Dr. Jean-Michel Galliot is fantastic. I was referred to him by my doctor in Caylus. tel 0563 931385
Hi Val
There's a really good practice - modern, clean, considerate, gentle - on the outskirts of Montauban. On the 3rd roundabout after the one with the helicopter (by Leclerc and Brico Depot) where the D958 comes in from Nègrepellisse. It's address is n° 60 Avenue de Negrepellisse - a low building on the left of that roundabout, with a very prominent number " 60 " on the wall. Chief there is Dr Linda Smith (Fr) who seems not to be taking new patients at present, but her very pleasant assistants are. Fees are conventioné. Tel.: 05 63 03 00 78. Open 9-6 weekdays except Weds. Recommended
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Nadette says
Hello Val
nouveau dentiste à Parisot (expérimenté): Mr Aslanian , au cabinet multi-mèdecins.
Nadette says
Hello Val
nouveau dentiste à Parisot (expérimenté): Mr Aslanian , au cabinet multi-mèdecins.
Who can do a good turn
A reader who lives at Caylus has a poorly child and the child has to be taken to hospital at Paris. The family will be away 6 days from Thurs 5th Feb to the following Tuesday. They have a 6 month old labrador puppy who they need somone to look after just for that short period.
We would have done it but Bonny does not like young dogs and puppies, one of her few failings.
Is there anyone who could look after this dog for a short period if there is please contact
Thanks to TAG readers - two at least came forward and it is now one less worry for the family who can concentrate on their poorly son.
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We would have done it but Bonny does not like young dogs and puppies, one of her few failings.
Is there anyone who could look after this dog for a short period if there is please contact
Thanks to TAG readers - two at least came forward and it is now one less worry for the family who can concentrate on their poorly son.
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Dog boarding
Hi Val & Malcolm
Could you put me in touch with anyone who minds dogs while their owners are on holiday? Our dogs are quite old now and kennels are not suitable.
We have a 14 year old cross Jack Russell and a 12 year old fox terrier. They are not used to children! But house trained and loving........ We are looking for the first 10 days in march.
I would appreciate your help.
Thank you
Marian & Digby Gunnis ( St Antonin )
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Could you put me in touch with anyone who minds dogs while their owners are on holiday? Our dogs are quite old now and kennels are not suitable.
We have a 14 year old cross Jack Russell and a 12 year old fox terrier. They are not used to children! But house trained and loving........ We are looking for the first 10 days in march.
I would appreciate your help.
Thank you
Marian & Digby Gunnis ( St Antonin )
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Fancy joining in?
Good morning Val,
Tomorrow, 30/1, ECLAT holds its annual meeting at 14.30 in the old mairie (in the same street as the market.
Maybe it is of interest to some of your readers who'd like to join this organisation.
ECLAT stands for Expostion Culture Loisiers Art et Traditions.
Every year they organise the exposition in the 'Echoppe' under the castle in Varen, a meal in its courtyard and a vide grenier on the river bank of the Aveyron.
Love, Marcia
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Damp and grey this morning
Should we throw the dice to see who goes out in the rain to feed the donkeys, I laughed as the cats went to the door, held out a paw to test conditions and then decided to stay in, Bonny did a quick dash out and back and Malc and I are sitting deciding who is the worthy one who will brave the damp to let the hen out and feed the bawling donkeys, bawling from well inside the confines of their hut!
I have just volunteered as I missed them whilst away... hope they appreciate my sacrifice.
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I have just volunteered as I missed them whilst away... hope they appreciate my sacrifice.
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Action against road deaths
Road deaths in 2014 were up by 120 over 2013, the first time in 12 years that there has been an increase. Bernard Cazeneuve, interior minister, announced a series of measures to be introduced gradually in an effort to halt this.
-Using a telephone at the wheel is already banned, but using headphones of any type will also be forbidden - including Bluetooth headpieces.
-The level of alcohol tolerated in inexperienced drivers (less than 2 years) will be halved.
-Parking near pedestrian crossings will be outlawed as one third of pedestrians killed are on such passages.
-Local authorities are to be encouraged to remove or protect obstacles which pose a danger - maybe even plane trees?
-Tinted windows are to be phased out as they prevent the police identifying drivers.
-Speed cameras are to be replaced with "front and back" directional versions.
The full list of 26 measures to be implemented over the next few years includes better collection of statistics to understand better the causes of accidents as well as concrete measures and can be consulted on the Ministry's web site.
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-Using a telephone at the wheel is already banned, but using headphones of any type will also be forbidden - including Bluetooth headpieces.
-The level of alcohol tolerated in inexperienced drivers (less than 2 years) will be halved.
-Parking near pedestrian crossings will be outlawed as one third of pedestrians killed are on such passages.
-Local authorities are to be encouraged to remove or protect obstacles which pose a danger - maybe even plane trees?
-Tinted windows are to be phased out as they prevent the police identifying drivers.
-Speed cameras are to be replaced with "front and back" directional versions.
The full list of 26 measures to be implemented over the next few years includes better collection of statistics to understand better the causes of accidents as well as concrete measures and can be consulted on the Ministry's web site.
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The French love their polls/ sondages
A poll taken by Ipsos/ Spora- Steria and published in the Le Monde tried to gauge attitudes after the attacks at the beginning of January which left 17 dead.
Overall it would appear the French have not been swayed against Islamists and Jews in the country and think the government leaders handled the response well. There was however disapproval for Marine Le Pen.
One has to remember Le Monde is a left wing newspaper but one assumes the poll was wider than that newspapers readership and it was also published on Europe 1 radio on Wednesday
Here's a brief summary of the findings:
Islam more compatible with French society
One result that may surprise some is that acceptance of Islam is growing in France with only 51 percent saying that “Islam is not compatible with the values of French society” compared to 63 percent in 2014 and 74 percent in 2013
Islam as peaceful as other religions
With 66 percent, the majority of those polled consider Islam to be as peaceful as other religions and view jihadism as a perversion of the religion. Some 81 percent of the supporters of the Socialist Party believe Islam is an equally peaceful religion, compared to 53 percent of UMP supporters, and a minority of 39 percent of those supporting the National Front.
Acceptance of Catholicism and Judaism appears to be much greater given that 93 percent and 81 percent of those polled judge them as compatible with French values.
Disapproval for Marine Le Pen
Some 69 percent of those polled stated they disapproved of National Front leader Marine Le Pen’s attitude as she didn’t participate in the unity marches and instead held her own homage to the victims, which turned into a political gathering.
The sentiment was even echoed among supporters of her party with 24 percent saying they “mainly disapprove” and 9 percent saying they “disapprove completely”.
Val says the report goes further with satisfaction with the way Muslims handled the aftermath of the killings. The photograph of Muslim men and women at Gaillac holding placards saying " not in my name" and " do not harm my country" had an amazing effect on us all here at TAG, joining us together against extremists.
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Wednesday, 28 January 2015
Warts and all
Dear Val
Your winter break sounded lovely but its nice that you are back!
I went off today to see my Opthalmalogue and asked him about a small growth on my eyelid. Ah, he said, c'est une virurre. I misheard and looked blank, well I knew I had a heavy viral cold but the growth had been there for two or three months..
He said les virurres occured on our hands and feet. The penny dropped. It was a wart. So not wanting to look like Oliver Cromwell who demanded to be painted, 'warts and all', it will be removed in March
As usual go somewhere over here and get a free French lesson
Val says - Funny that Ginny as both Malc and I had exactly the same experience and the same word used. We go on Monday to a dermatologist at Albi both having " our virurres" removed.
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Malc says: the word is probably "une verrue" a bit like verruca.
Malc says: the word is probably "une verrue" a bit like verruca.
Rose de Jardin?
You’ll find this one hard to believe but you can find her on Google & Twitter…….when I lived in Rutland, I knew a woman called Rose. She was married to a guy whose surname was De Jardin and together they opened a plant nursery. Glad you had such a lovely birthday break. Welcome home!
Linda xXx
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Linda xXx
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TOF report on the Deux Rivieres
Hi Val
Just a line to say that we had lunch at Les Deux Rivieres in Laguepie today. It’s the first time we have eaten there as it has been closed when we have tried before.
There was no choice on the 13e menu du jour but lots of courses.
1. Vegetable soup - very tasty
2. Croustillant of something unidentifiable which was so overcooked and hard that Simon’s shot off the plate when he tried to cut it (I didn’t eat mine)
3. Ossobuco main course was all bone and again very overcooked, with overcooked noodles.
4. Cheese was plentiful but not very good (a blue, some very bland Brie and, hard to believe, emmenthal on a French cheeseboard??)
5. Dessert was a fairly tasteless apple and raspberry tarte
Wine and coffee were extra so final cost was 17e each. Sorry, Val, I know you like it there but we are struggling to give it more than a 2 out of 5 ……really perhaps a 1 out of 5 as apart from the soup we couldn’t find anything above average (decor is ok, service barely ok, atmosphere subdued despite a full dining room, wine ok, coffee ok, food definitely not ok)Sorrrrrrrrry!
Linda xXx
Val says mmh. We actually took off our TOF report as we did not want to be sued. The service barely OK was our problem. There are people who like going, is all I will say.
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Just a line to say that we had lunch at Les Deux Rivieres in Laguepie today. It’s the first time we have eaten there as it has been closed when we have tried before.
There was no choice on the 13e menu du jour but lots of courses.
1. Vegetable soup - very tasty
2. Croustillant of something unidentifiable which was so overcooked and hard that Simon’s shot off the plate when he tried to cut it (I didn’t eat mine)
3. Ossobuco main course was all bone and again very overcooked, with overcooked noodles.
4. Cheese was plentiful but not very good (a blue, some very bland Brie and, hard to believe, emmenthal on a French cheeseboard??)
5. Dessert was a fairly tasteless apple and raspberry tarte
Wine and coffee were extra so final cost was 17e each. Sorry, Val, I know you like it there but we are struggling to give it more than a 2 out of 5 ……really perhaps a 1 out of 5 as apart from the soup we couldn’t find anything above average (decor is ok, service barely ok, atmosphere subdued despite a full dining room, wine ok, coffee ok, food definitely not ok)Sorrrrrrrrry!
Linda xXx
Val says mmh. We actually took off our TOF report as we did not want to be sued. The service barely OK was our problem. There are people who like going, is all I will say.
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Back home safely, what an easy run.
We arrived back home late afternoon, sun all the way up to Gaillac... so unfair. It is still lovely to be home and the pets here all have been well looked after.
The meteo is forecasting a wet day tomorrow but we have had a bit of sun so we can cope.
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The meteo is forecasting a wet day tomorrow but we have had a bit of sun so we can cope.
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Local chef voted in top 10
Specialist magazine Le Chef asked 500 top chefs, 2 and 3 Michelin stars to list the 5 restaurants or chefs they considered it was indispensable to visit. Michel Bras at Laguiole was voted 5th in the top 100. The list is pretty France based, with 2 American, one Japanese and one Spanish chef making the rest of the ten. Interestingly Catalan chef Joan Roca of El Celler de Can Roca is based in Gerona - we could have popped in for lunch.
Wherever you fancy going (if you can afford it!) you need to book well ahead. TOF report needed please.
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Wherever you fancy going (if you can afford it!) you need to book well ahead. TOF report needed please.
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Do you want a stand in May at Caylus Floralies
If you want a stand at the 3rd Floralies which will be held by the Lake du Labarte contact Caylus tourisme. It is only 3 euros for the stand. The date is the 10th of May.
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A little humour from Nev
Dear Val and Malcolm,
Oh we do like to be beside the seaside........
I am writing a daily diary in French, and to help with tenses I enter what I did the previous day and also what I have planned for the following day, with me so far? So I write first, then use translation softwareto check to see if I am on the right lines. The tool I use gives example of the phrase I am trying to construct, so for example "I am going to cut would be Je vais aller couper and the tool came up with this example which I think is hilarious.
Je vais le couper en petits morceaux, et le saupoudrer sur une pizza, Même pas sur une fraîche, le genre congelé que les enfants mettent au micro-onde quand leurs mère sont sorties.
I'm gonna chop him up in little pieces and sprinkle him on a pizza, not even fresh-made, the frozen kind that kids pop in the microwave when their mothers are hung over.
Val says I am very impressed Neville. Beware the auto translate!
Made me laugh anyway.
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Oh we do like to be beside the seaside........
I am writing a daily diary in French, and to help with tenses I enter what I did the previous day and also what I have planned for the following day, with me so far? So I write first, then use translation softwareto check to see if I am on the right lines. The tool I use gives example of the phrase I am trying to construct, so for example "I am going to cut would be Je vais aller couper and the tool came up with this example which I think is hilarious.
Je vais le couper en petits morceaux, et le saupoudrer sur une pizza, Même pas sur une fraîche, le genre congelé que les enfants mettent au micro-onde quand leurs mère sont sorties.
I'm gonna chop him up in little pieces and sprinkle him on a pizza, not even fresh-made, the frozen kind that kids pop in the microwave when their mothers are hung over.
Val says I am very impressed Neville. Beware the auto translate!
Made me laugh anyway.
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Home James
Malc is out on the balcony taking photos of the lovely sky above Llafranc. What a lovely break we have had but now it is time to wend our way home later this morning. TAG has been "en vacance," not quite like Jaques Tati's Monsieur Hulot's holiday but we have laughed quite a lot.
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Folk'n'Jazz tomorrow night
Folk'n'Jazz tomorrow night at the salle des fetes at Verfeil. Starts at 8pm.
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Sting is coming to the Carcassone festival 26th of July
It is official but the concert organisers have announced it before Stings publicity machine. Today will be the official announcement from Sting that he his coming to the Carcassone festival
Et voilà comment internet devient un véritable casse-tête pour les programmateurs de festivals. Hier, deux sites web, et ont balancé l'info : Sting sera l'une des têtes d'affiche du festival 2015, le 26 juillet prochain.
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Nous sommes mercredi, le vingt huit
jeter des fleurs à quelqu’unto say lovely things to someone
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Tuesday, 27 January 2015
Friends keep writing in French!
Hang on of course they would, they are French. I am getting more and more mail in French, does this mean I have cracked it and I am working my way in to French society life. Well it might if only I could reply in French with a reasonable level of reply. I am mastering speaking French but writing French, well that is the next step.
I have had more emails in French today than English!
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I have had more emails in French today than English!
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I am European with Yorkshire roots.
I am Catalan, this was said to us by two waiters at the hotel, never been known before. When we arrived I said "has some Catalan football club played someone?" as many of the houses were flying Catalan flags.
No, but the rise of Catalan pride coincides with problems with finance in the rest of Spain. I am not sure about all this nationalistic pride, be happy that you are Catalan but also be proud you are Spanish.
Be happy that you are Scottish but be proud that you are in the United Kingdom, and the same for the Welsh
Me, well I am proud to be from Yorkshire, happy that I spent twenty years in Lancashire, now I am European and that makes me happy.
What is your take on Nationalism?
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No, but the rise of Catalan pride coincides with problems with finance in the rest of Spain. I am not sure about all this nationalistic pride, be happy that you are Catalan but also be proud you are Spanish.
Be happy that you are Scottish but be proud that you are in the United Kingdom, and the same for the Welsh
Me, well I am proud to be from Yorkshire, happy that I spent twenty years in Lancashire, now I am European and that makes me happy.
What is your take on Nationalism?
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I do hope you can read this, too tired to make the effort to translate!
Les Jardins des Bastides
Le groupe du fleurissement de Milhars, la municipalité
et le Centre Social Cordes-Vaour vous invite
à la 7ème fête de l’Osier à Milhars.
A partir de 10h,venez tous:
Découvrir les nombreux vanniers exposant leurs créations et Participer aux ateliers de vannerie pour petits et grands.
Apprendre les techniques de taille et de bouturage avec Sylvie Gravier dans la Saulaie et participer à une création en osier vivant: un panier géant!
Flâner au stand de livres sur les jardins ou échanger la passion du jardinage avec Bernard Huet et ses amis.
Acheter fagots ou boutures d'osier vendus par les bénévoles du groupe du fleurissement de Milhars au profit de l'amélioration du cadre de vie du village.
Découvrir l'art de la forge avec Milan Gravier et sa démonstration en plein air.
Rencontrer, échanger des savoir-faire, des techniques, des passions...
Danser et écouter les jeunes musiciens du "groupe du coin" à partir de 18h : Bal Trad'
Une journée de convivialité au coeur de l’hiver.
Entrée et participations libres
Repas: Auberge espagnole, soupe paysanne, vin et pain offerts par le groupe du fleurissement. Chacun apporte un plat et un dessert que l'on partage.
N'oubliez pas assiette creuse , couverts et... sécateurs!
Rejoignez-nous dimanche 8 février à Milhars !
Infos au 06 75 20 25 57
Merci de transmettre ce message à vos Amis
Sylvie Gravier
Jardins des Bastides81170 MILHARS +33 (0)5 63 56 36 61 +33 (0)6 75 20 25 57
Jardins des Bastides81170 MILHARS +33 (0)5 63 56 36 61 +33 (0)6 75 20 25 57
Two sweethearts needing homes
bonjour Val,
comment allez vous?
Choupette et Taiga ont été adoptées!!
il nous reste Délia et Eldo qui cherchent une famille!
Ces deux toutous sont ok chat, chien, enfants et ont tout les deux besoins de présence et d'un jardin clos!
merci pour eux!
Val says great to hear two dogs have found homes but here are two more still needing someone. Both are OK with children, cats and other dogs but they would need a fenced garden. contact Maeva
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Francois Hollande comes up with some good plans
Fighting racism must begin with the French youth, he explained, adding that youngsters will be taught about the Holocaust "without restriction" in a bid to reduce their ignorance.
He added that France will introduce a "new alert" for any students who interrupt a minute's silence. Across the country, reports flooded in after students refused to take part in tributes of silence for the victims of the terror attacks.
He added that some websites will be blocked, and that France will "allow administrative authorities the possibility of blocking websites of racial hatred and anti-Semitism".
Elsewhere, social networks will be under surveillance at a European level and racism will be considered to be an aggravated crime.
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Master the Argentine tango
Stages de tango argentin, salles des Fetes Caylus. Les samedis 28Feb, 7Mars,11 Avril, 9Mai, 6juin, 10-12h
Animés par Emilie et Pablo Tegli 20 euros Contact Caylus tourism
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Animés par Emilie et Pablo Tegli 20 euros Contact Caylus tourism
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Come on in the sea is lovely
Playing on beaches then on to Calella Palafrugell for lunch by the sea. The cats which haunt the restaurants were still there in great numbers but did not risk coming near Bonny who enjoyed what was left of the " chipirones" deep fried baby squid.
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We should do this more often, says Bonny |
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Everyone enjoys a rock pool |
Begur, just like St. Antonin closed in January
Begur reminds us a little of St. Antonin especially the fact that it was mainly closed
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Bonny enjoying herself and an abundant lemon tree
Three beaches, one town and one cliff walk completed so far. Malc and I are exhausted but Bonny is having " a whale of a time"
This morning in Begur we saw trees laden with oranges and lemons. In my head I have been singing
" Lemon tree very pretty
and the lemon flower is sweet
but the fruit of the poor lemon
is impossible to eat" ... but it does go very nicely squeezed on squid and calamari.
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This morning in Begur we saw trees laden with oranges and lemons. In my head I have been singing
" Lemon tree very pretty
and the lemon flower is sweet
but the fruit of the poor lemon
is impossible to eat" ... but it does go very nicely squeezed on squid and calamari.
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Bonny having fun on the beach |
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Lemon tree very pretty, as is the house nearby |
Motorway tariffs will remain the same
The tariffs will remain the same on the motorways after February. The planned rise has been postponned.
Tolls on this 4 hour trip to Spain cost us just over 24 euros.
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Tolls on this 4 hour trip to Spain cost us just over 24 euros.
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Sunrise in Llafranc this morning
Is there anyone in the St. Antonin area at the moment?
Well I know my donkeys are there, although Malc says " can you be sure?"
4 degrees and foggy in Varen whilst it is sunny and 10 degrees here at the moment.
The Pyrenees with the snow topped mountains will be great today and some friends are there.
Many more are further south in Spain.
We will be back home tomorrow night and a bit of cold is not so bad if you are wrapped up warm. We love where we live, it is our paradise.
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Well I know my donkeys are there, although Malc says " can you be sure?"
4 degrees and foggy in Varen whilst it is sunny and 10 degrees here at the moment.
The Pyrenees with the snow topped mountains will be great today and some friends are there.
Many more are further south in Spain.
We will be back home tomorrow night and a bit of cold is not so bad if you are wrapped up warm. We love where we live, it is our paradise.
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Sunrise in Llafranc this morning |
Thank you to all who remembered
Well here I am in our hotel room surrounded by cards and presents, not a special birthday till next year, but surely now everyone is special. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I am sure Malc, my readers and pets see me with rose coloured specs and this is how I appear.
Have a lovely day all and thanks to family and good friends who have been so kind
PS have a laugh all who know me, I have visions of readers not in the know thinking " by gum Val is not bad is she? "
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Have a lovely day all and thanks to family and good friends who have been so kind
PS have a laugh all who know me, I have visions of readers not in the know thinking " by gum Val is not bad is she? "
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TAG comes into its own this morning
JUST TRIED TO CONNECT TO Facebook with no result. I had thought it was the internet being slow here at the hotel but have just read in the Depeche that facebook is suffering from a virus
Impossible de vous connecter à Facebook ce mardi matin ? Vous n'êtes pas le seul ! En effet, le réseau social est actuellement victime d'une panne, semble-t-il générale, puisque des messages affluent du monde entier sur Twitter, sous le hashtag #facebookdow. Sa filiale Instagram est elle aussi inaccessible.
Pour l'heure, Facebook n'a fait aucun communiqué pour expliquer ce bug mais les services techniques seraient sur le pied de guerre pour rétablir les connexions.
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Roads blocked around Toulouse this morning
Val says I hate this part of " liberation" / freedom by blocking the motorways in " operation escargots" It just happens too often.
Opération escargot : plusieurs kilomètres de bouchons ce matin sur le périphérique
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Monday, 26 January 2015
Take it seriously drink driving
Bernard Cazeneuve France's Interior Minister whose government has vowed to cut the number of drink driving incidents, his biggest priority is to tackle those who get behind the wheel after drinking alcohol, given that alcohol is the number one cause of fatalities on French roads.
Val says did you hear that, the NUMBER one cause of deaths on the roads is alcohol, drinking and driving, well it is about as daft as smoking, one way or another you are going to kill yourself, or someone you love. Think about it before lighting up or getting behind a wheel.
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So pathetic, do you feel better now?
Offense à la mosquée d'Auch : des lardons jetés contre la façade
How utterly infantile and pathetic, driving past a mosque and throwing out a handful of lardons. Well I for one have better things to do with my lardons, making soup or adding to my spaghetti bolognaise.
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The rich and famous and ... us.
Llafranc is where we are staying. In the past the playground of the rich and famous. Truman Capote, Salvador Dali, Elizabeth Taylor, Kirk Douglas and now the plebs like Bonny Johnstone and Malc and I . The days of celebrity spotting in places like this and Portofino ( I know it is Italy)and Monte Carlo etc. are long gone. Now the stars and royalty all have immense estates where they can enjoy themselves out of the public gaze.
Well to us our Bonny is a star, she has walked around without a lead, been on the beach chased a few seagulls as you would if you were a golden retriever, knew instantly our hotel and found her way back in both front and back entrance, who needs stars when you have us!!!! Four and a half hours to this place from Tarn et Garonne, get your nostrils full of sea ozone, your shoes full of sand and be back home for Folk and Jazz on Thursday, really can you beat it.
The half bottle of red might be speaking for me in this post!
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Well to us our Bonny is a star, she has walked around without a lead, been on the beach chased a few seagulls as you would if you were a golden retriever, knew instantly our hotel and found her way back in both front and back entrance, who needs stars when you have us!!!! Four and a half hours to this place from Tarn et Garonne, get your nostrils full of sea ozone, your shoes full of sand and be back home for Folk and Jazz on Thursday, really can you beat it.
The half bottle of red might be speaking for me in this post!
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Demis Roussos has died
Not really French news but he did have song hits in France and his death has been reported here. I thought he was called Dennis.
Le chanteur grec Demis Roussos est décédé dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche dans un hôpital d'Athènes. Il avait 68 ans, a annoncé ce lundi matin Nikos Aliagas sur son compte Twitter.
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After the beach, a cliff top walk
"Well he was certainly going fast"said Malc as I said "well that was the nearest thing to a go fast accident I have ever seen." As we were driving down the winding road just after the border I think it is called La Jonquera, a car came behind us flashing and tooting just after we had overtaken another. We pulled over to let the lunatic past and he sped off. A lorry in front of him had just done the same manoevre but he could not get past so the lunatic overtook on the inside lane, a most dangerous thing to do. Then it got really dangerous another lorry in front saw all of this happening so refused to let the car past swerving from one lane to another blocking off the lunatic guy in the sports car. You would have thought "good on you" if it all had not been so dangerous. At the bottom of the descending pass the guy left the motorway giving a one finger up sign out of his window to the lorry driver.
Apart from that incident it was a lovely drive, not much traffic and after Carcassonne, scenery different to our lush green fields. We saw, as you do, the lagoons as you turn off for Spain and we all had our noses in the air sniffing, it was the smell of the sea, not Bonny's odorous whiff this time.
When we arrived I immediately gave Bon a run on the beach where she performed silly running and Malc like the dutiful partner in life and TAG unloaded the luggage.
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Apart from that incident it was a lovely drive, not much traffic and after Carcassonne, scenery different to our lush green fields. We saw, as you do, the lagoons as you turn off for Spain and we all had our noses in the air sniffing, it was the smell of the sea, not Bonny's odorous whiff this time.
When we arrived I immediately gave Bon a run on the beach where she performed silly running and Malc like the dutiful partner in life and TAG unloaded the luggage.
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The cliff top walk just after arriving |
Unfortunate names
Dear Val
Our daughter was at school with a girl called Mini (or Minnie?) Driver.....
My wife was a schoolteacher for many years and talks of a fairly dim student called Luke Sharp
And once my secretary announced the arrival of the salesman from Phillips as "Mr Light is here to see you"
Malc says: when a I was a student there was a girl called Penny Knight - which seemed quite reasonable..
Malc says: when a I was a student there was a girl called Penny Knight - which seemed quite reasonable..
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Who likes Nutella?
It may be sweet, but a couple wanted to name their new baby "Nutella" and the family court has refused permission. In theory French parents can now call their children whatever they like, but the registrar can ask the family judges to rule in cases where they think the name may be prejudicial to the child's future. In this case the child is to be called Ella. Another girl was to be called "Fraise" - strawberry - but it was refused on the grounds that a phrase ramène ta fraise would be used to mock her. Apparently it is aimed at people who talk pretentiously or irrelevantly (or more rudely, display their nipples). She is to be called "Fraisine" a name in use in the 19th century.
A few years ago, however, a couple called Renaud were allowed to call their daughter Megane...
Any examples of names that should not have been allowed, readers?
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A few years ago, however, a couple called Renaud were allowed to call their daughter Megane...
Any examples of names that should not have been allowed, readers?
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A quick break on the cards
Up early to sort out the pets staying here, Bonny knows something is about to happen since she saw the suitcases. By gum will she be wagging her tale when she realises she is coming with us. This will be her third visit to the seaside and no spade needed for her for digging in the sand.
We will continue TAG news from the Costa Brava
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We will continue TAG news from the Costa Brava
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Rana hopes to rent
Hi Val
Greetings from the UK
I have been over here caring for my mother who has been unwell and have decided to rent my property in France for a year.
Can you pass the word around?
Perhaps you know of a family looking to rent a quiet place in the countryside with swimming pool, 8 acres including a magical wood.
The rent will be 800 pounds per month including bills.
I will be coming out when it is warmer to do some work in the garden to get the place ready.
Here are some photos of the place
I wish you a very happy 2015
Here is some more information about the property.
It is 15 minutes drive from St Antonin
Love Rana
Perfect Summer Retreat with Pool to rent per week or on a years contract for 800 pounds a month.
This secluded country house with pool is surrounded by its own eight acre patch of natural parkland and is a must for nature lovers.
It is the ideal place to 'recharge your batteries' after a stressful busy life as the tranquility of the place and the magic of the garden and woods uplift and restore the spirit.
The accomodation is simple and rustic but clean and well equipped with dishwasher, two fridge freezers, washing machine etc.
There are two double rooms and one room with two single beds.
All the rooms have french windows that open out into the garden and the place is friendly and wonderfully quiet.
The Alchemy Garden is a wonderful place to relax and recharge with all the gifts that nature brings.
It is set high up in the rugged plateau landscape of SW France and although in the heart of the countryside it is only a 15 minute drive to medieval St Antonin Noble Val with its famous Sunday market and Aveyron gorge popular for swimming and canoeing.
The delightful former "Bergerie" has been transformed into a spacious and comfortable single -storey rustic style house with immediate access to nature.
One of the most delightful features of the house – Igue – is the way it opens out through large French doors from every room to give immediate access to the garden, the swimming-pool area, the shady verandah and the outside fire-place/barbecue. Surrounded by shady trees, it is never too hot - even on the hottest days. The lettings are from a saturday to a saturday. We ask that visitors arrive after 5pm on a saturday and leave before 10am on the last day. This then gives us time to prepare the house, pool and gardens for the next visitors.
The name of the property in Occitan means "the watering hole that flows" and is named from a spring or "source" just off the grounds.
The land immediately surrounding the house and pool has been sensitively landscaped with shrubs, flower-beds , rock features and gardens.
This secluded country house with pool is surrounded by its own eight acre patch of natural parkland and is a must for nature lovers.
It is the ideal place to 'recharge your batteries' after a stressful busy life as the tranquility of the place and the magic of the garden and woods uplift and restore the spirit.
The accomodation is simple and rustic but clean and well equipped with dishwasher, two fridge freezers, washing machine etc.
There are two double rooms and one room with two single beds.
All the rooms have french windows that open out into the garden and the place is friendly and wonderfully quiet.
The Alchemy Garden is a wonderful place to relax and recharge with all the gifts that nature brings.
It is set high up in the rugged plateau landscape of SW France and although in the heart of the countryside it is only a 15 minute drive to medieval St Antonin Noble Val with its famous Sunday market and Aveyron gorge popular for swimming and canoeing.
The delightful former "Bergerie" has been transformed into a spacious and comfortable single -storey rustic style house with immediate access to nature.
One of the most delightful features of the house – Igue – is the way it opens out through large French doors from every room to give immediate access to the garden, the swimming-pool area, the shady verandah and the outside fire-place/barbecue. Surrounded by shady trees, it is never too hot - even on the hottest days. The lettings are from a saturday to a saturday. We ask that visitors arrive after 5pm on a saturday and leave before 10am on the last day. This then gives us time to prepare the house, pool and gardens for the next visitors.
The name of the property in Occitan means "the watering hole that flows" and is named from a spring or "source" just off the grounds.
The land immediately surrounding the house and pool has been sensitively landscaped with shrubs, flower-beds , rock features and gardens.
Rana can be contacted at
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